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Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Road Trip and Your BMW

So you’re planning your summer vacation and you’re going to drive your BMW. That sounds like a lot of fun and remember that your BMW like any car needs a little TLC before you hit the road. If you begin your road trip with a BMW that is having technical difficulties, it could put a damper on your entire trip. So prepare ahead of time in order to make your summer driving vacation as pleasurable as possible.

Cooling System

Your air conditioning is very important on those summer road trips. Check the air conditioning. Is it cold? If the answer is no, have a technician at Metric Wrench inspect it to find out why not.

Drive Belts / Hoses
Drive Belts and hoses can deteriorate over time and heat can cause damage as well. Inspect all the belts and hoses in your car for cracks or leaking. Be sure to check the tension on those belts as well. If you discover that you have belts and hoses that are damaged, you should have them changed before you start your summer vacation in your Mercedes or whatever car you are driving on your vacation.

Nothing can ruin a summer vacation quicker then a dead battery. Did you know that a dead battery tops the list for break-downs? Have your battery checked before you leave to be sure that it is in great shape for your trip.

Check your owner’s manual to see what the manufacture recommends for tune-ups and if its close or time, be sure to have your engine checked BEFORE you leave on your summer driving vacation.


It’s also a good idea to check the fluid levels in your car, that includes transmission fluid, engine oil, brake fluid, washer fluid, power steering fluid and lets don’t forget gas. If it’s time for an oil change, make sure to have it done before you leave on your summer vacation.

Having your tires properly inflated cannot only save you gas, but it can also save on the tread of your tire. And while you’re check to see if your tire is properly inflated, don’t forget about check your spare tire.

It’s a good idea to have your brakes checked before you go on that road trip this summer, make sure that there aren’t any problems there.

Exhaust System

Inspect your muffler and pipes; make sure that there aren’t any loose hangers or holes.

Windshield Wipers
Take a few minutes to inspect your windshield wipers and refill your windshield washer fluid. Windshields can get a ton of dead bugs on them, make sure that you clean your windows and that your wipers are good.


Last, but certainly not least, check your brake lights, turn signals and headlights. Make sure that everything is working properly before you leave for your summer road trip.

If you are planning a summer road trip or vacation and you want your car inspected by a certified BMW/Mercedes technician; then call and schedule your check-up at Metric Wrench today!

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