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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wifi in Vehicles and Safety Issues

Since the advent of wifi internet, it has become ultra convenient to browse the internet, check mail and socialize on the go. You don’t have to be home or at your office table to be in touch with friends, family or clients in a different continent and this perhaps, is the greatest contribution of internet towards making the world a global village.

Portable wifi devices are now available for installation in vehicles so you remain connected to the web wherever you go. While the devices offer portability as an added advantage to the countless more that are associated with wifi, it is important to remember that just about everything in this universe has its own merits as well as demerits, and vehicle wifi devices are no exception. The most prominent and critical of all considerations are road safety issues; mobile internet can easily divert the attention of the driver away from the road which can jeopardize many innocent lives.

According to recent surveys, the USA and various other developed countries have seen a rise in a number of deaths occurring in road accidents, and majority of these are associated with mobile phone usage while driving. The second that it takes to check Whatsapp or Facebook behind the wheel and on the road, is enough to take another person’s life. The time calls for strict implementation of road safety rules which must, for the sake of countless innocent lives, include regulatory measures against individuals using their cellphones or the internet while driving. However, internet and broadband companies with their marketing strategies highlighting only the benefits if installing vehicle wifi devices are doing the exact opposite. The more wifi devices installed in cars around the globe, the riskier it will become to travel by road.

Experts agree that social media, work emails and chat-based applications are not worth diverting attention away from the road for. Wifi devices in vehicles may be marketed as the next best thing in staying connected with the world on the go, but it may also be the very last time you interact with anyone virtually. Promote road safety and refrain from using cellular devices behind the wheel.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Improve Fuel Economy and Extend The Life of Your Car

Do you spend more money on your vehicle than is necessary?

I know that it might be hard to believe, but if you spent a few dollars doing regular preventative maintenance on your vehicle, it would save you in the long run and could improve your fuel economy, as well as assist you in avoiding expensive repairs down the road.

In our world today, car manufacturers are creating more economical, environmentally friendly and technologically advanced vehicles. Vehicles with better features, more fuel efficient and the last longer and longer.  Because of increasingly stringent emissions standards, today’s vehicles are more fuel efficient than ever before. But this is only the case when they are maintained to the manufacturer’s standards.

Here are some maintenance tips to help you save at the pump:

Tires-Inspect, balance, check inflation and rotate tires. Check inflation on the spare and make sure the jack is in its place.

Engine Performance- if your engine isn’t properly maintained it maybe difficult to start in cold weather, if even at all. It may run rough and lose power. Have fuel, ignition and emission control systems checked, necessary components replaced and adjustments made.

Use the right tires – Use the type and size of tire recommended by your manufacturer for optimal performance. The wrong tires can increase your fuel consumption and will likely wear more quickly.

Battery and electrical system-How old is your battery? If it's three or more years old, it should be tested and replaced if necessary.  Have your battery terminals cleaned and tightened, because loose or corroded connections can cause symptoms of a weak or dead battery.

Check engine light – Your dashboard indicators provide you with important information about your vehicle, including its fuel economy. If your check engine light is on, bring your car in to have it checked out by a Certified Service Technician at Metric Wrench.

Replace your air filters – Your car is equipped with a number of air filters to prevent contamination of important vehicle systems. Replacing these air filters as recommended by the manufacturer can save you up to 10% on fuel.

Check your gas cap – A missing or cracked gas cap will allow gasoline vapors to escape from your tank.

Have your car inspected – A regular inspection in the spring and the fall can help you identify other problems that may be affecting your car’s performance, such as misfiring spark plugs, sagging belts, worn brakes or transmission problems.

Prevent Major Damage
Spending a little on maintenance can go a long way toward preventing major damage that can leave you stranded and cost you a lot to repair.

If you have questions or concerns about your vehicle, please call Metric Wrench Billings today and talk to a Certified Service Technician.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Safe Winter Driving

Driving in bad weather conditions can test even the best of drivers, so here are a few tidbits to know about to learn how to handles these driving conditions:

Quit while you’re ahead! If you do not need to go out, don’t! Every time you drive in bad weather is risky, no matter how safe or equipped you think your car is. The number one advice for professionals is avoid driving in this weather at all costs.

If you do need to go out however, like to go to work, go to the grocery store, or pick up the kids from school, make sure to be safe.

Practice, practice, practice! If you are new to driving or new to an area of the country plagued with weather unconducive for driving, make sure to test out your car’s handling capabilities in an open parking lot where you can really figure out how your car will drive in bad conditions, and you can practice driving in these conditions with more confidence.

Is the road clear? If the snow plow has not come by yet, try not to go out, even if you think the snow or ice is not thick enough. Less than a centimeter of ice can send you flying off the road and into the hospital or a repair shop. Always wait for them to clear the road and salt your driveway as often as you can.

Give yourself more time. Give yourself more time with almost everything in these dire conditions. Do not drive too fast, and give yourself time to stop because the loss of traction you will get. Also, give yourself more time to get from A to B, because you do not want to speeding or freaking out while driving in these conditions, because it can be extremely dangerous. The general rule is leaving three times more space and time driving in winter weather.

Helpful Hints:
-Don’t use cruise control, especially on icy roads.
-Be more cautious on bridges and overpasses since these will freeze faster than the rest of the road.
-Put your lights on at all time, and keep them and your windshield clean to not risk reducing your visibility any more.
-Even all-wheel drive vehicles are not fully able to deal with this sort of weather, so do not assume that you can drive faster or your car will be safer.
-If you are stuck on the side of the road, do not keep spinning your wheels. Instead, spread gravel, kitty litter, sand, or salt under your tires to gain traction to get out.
-Notice how there are already tire marks in the snow from previous cars? Survivalists suggest not following the track and instead straddling them, because snow being driven over again and again will turn to black ice and it will be like driving on a frozen over lake.
-When driving uphill, all of these are even more important, because the grade will reduce tractions and increase gravity, which is exactly what will lead to a car sliding down the hill.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Winterizing Your Car

Winter is a time of year that brings snow, sleet, frozen ice and dangerous driving conditions. Despite hazardous weather conditions that make driving difficult, for most drivers, hibernating all winter is not an option. If you find yourself needing to get somewhere at a time when the roads are covered in snow or ice, there are many ways to ensure that your drive is as safe as possible.

Auto Advice Every Driver Needs- It is never a good idea to warm up a vehicle in an enclosed space, such as a garage. Starting and warming up your vehicle inside of a garage causes increased carbon monoxide in the air, which can be lethal. It's also a good idea to never let your gas tank be more than half empty during the winter. Empty or near empty gas tanks are more prone to freezing. All drivers should have their vehicle inspected before winter hits in order to make sure that your vehicle is ready to handle the treacherous weather conditions.

Auto Advice for SUV and Truck Drivers- When driving in wintery weather conditions, your tires are the key to staying on the road. Mixing radial tires with other types of tires is not a good idea during the winter months. It is also crucial to ensure that your tires are fully inflated before driving. Accelerating and decelerating slowly is the best way to navigate slippery roads while driving a large vehicle. Once you get to your destination, ensure the exhaust pipe is not blocked by snow or ice.

Auto Advice for Sedan Drivers- If you are driving a sedan on wintery roads, it can be easy to lose control of your vehicle. Never use cruise control while driving through wintery weather conditions and avoid using your parking brake when driving on slick roads. Using low gears only is the best way to create the most traction on the road.

Auto Advice for Motorcycle Drivers- Motorcycles are one of the most difficult types of vehicles to maneuver on icy or snowy roads. It is best to avoid driving a motorcycle during snow, sleet or hail. Tire chains can make driving a motorcycle in the snow much safer. It is also crucial to ensure that the battery is in good condition before taking your bike out on the road.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Too Flush or Not To Flush

Your auto mechanic recently did some maintenance on your automobile, and suggested that you needed a brake fluid flush. Right now, you're probably feeling a bit confused about having the work done, and wondering how much money it will cost you. You might also be thinking, "Do I really need to have this done?" Well, here is some good advice about why it is important to have the old brake and flushed on your automobile. You can avoid getting taken for a ride, so to speak, and ripped off by your auto mechanic, when you get a second, or third opinion from other auto mechanics. However, if your current auto mechanic suggests that you need these types of repairs, make certain that you get the work done right away.

Flushing The Brake Fluid On Your Automobile 

When the brake fluid in your automobile turns black, you should have the repairs made to keep your brakes functioning properly. Flushing the old brake fluid from your automobile can help remove moisture and debris from your system. Look for a reasonably priced auto mechanic with a good reputation that will completely flush the old brake fluid out of your automobile. Some mechanics perform various brake flushing methods, such as suction or pressure to flush out the old brake fluid on an automobile. However, before you attempt to have any repairs made, always read your owner's manual. Then, determine, which brake flushing method is best for your automobile. Be sure to ask your friends and family about their auto mechanics, and which type of brake fluid flushing method he uses, when they have their brake fluid flushed. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Drive Slow Save Gas

Gas is going up this summer and not going down. What can you do to save a few bucks this summer? Driving slow or moderate speed enables your vehicle to maintain the effective fuel efficiency of the car, which in turn can help to reduce the excessive use of gas.

The best speed for most cars to get fuel efficiency is between 45 and 65 mph. Research shows that the average speed for effective fuel efficiency is at 55 mph for most cars. When driving at this speed, the car performs at its best mpg hence reducing the amount of fuel consumption. In addition, you can also increase your speed up to 65 mph with the same fuel efficiency. Best fuel efficiency speed for large and heavy trucks is around 45 mph while for sports cars it is 65 mph.

Decelerating and accelerating.
Speeding up and slowing down is what gets most of us. Most people think that the quicker you accelerate or decelerate, the quicker you move or stop can save gas and time. That would be wrong. When you accelerates or decelerates quickly your car engine uses a lot of power/gas. It is recommended that you drive slower which reduces the power output of the engine lowering the amount of gas used.

Lower acceleration and deceleration technique should mostly be used at stop signs or when making a turn. Use less fuel, save money!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Summer Means More Car Washes

Here are some things to consider:

- Use products sold specifically for automobiles. Household cleaners can contain harsh detergents, abrasives and additives that strip the wax from the paint and damage the finish.

- Clean your wheels with a wheel cleaner that removes brake dust, which can blacken your front tires.

- Be sure to follow the directions on the container of your cleaning products because applications can vary.

- Once your vehicle is clean and dry, check the vehicle for foreign particles on the paint, then apply a wax as directed. The wax will protect the finish and make subsequent washing easier.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Washing Your Car This Weekend…

Planning on washing your car this weekend? Here are some things to think about:

- Use products sold specifically for cars/trucks. Household cleaners can contain harsh detergents, abrasives and additives that strip the wax from the paint and damage the finish.

- Clean your wheels with a wheel cleaner that removes brake dust, which can blacken your front tires.

- Be sure to follow the directions on the container of your cleaning products because applications can vary.

- Once your vehicle is clean and dry, check the vehicle for foreign particles on the paint, then apply a wax as directed.

The wax will protect the finish and make subsequent washing easier.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Service Schedule is Just a Way For Service People to Make Money-MYTH!

Your vehicle’s service schedule was designed by automotive engineers, not service technicians. Maintaining your car according to your owner’s manual provides you with peace of mind while protecting your investment.
The Service Schedule was created to maintain your vehicle’s high level of dependability and safety, to protect the environment, and to enhance and maintain the value of your automobile.
 A properly maintainedvehicle maintains and enhances vehicle value and saves money in the long term. For example, an un-serviced timing chain can lead to moderate to catastrophic engine damage and a $2000 engine repair bill. Replacing a worn exhaust system bracket can cost considerably less than replacing the entire exhaust system.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

What is Torquing?

Yes we said tourquing and not twerking! Have you ever had an entire wheel fall off while driving? Hopefully not – however without proper and accurate torquing and retorquing you, you and whoever is riding with you as well as other motorists could possibly be looking at a very dangerous situation.  And it happens more than you think! That’s why at Metric Wrench Billings we encourage you to bring your vehicle to a professional when removing the wheels.

What is torquing?
Torquing is the process of specifically tightening your lug nuts at the proper pressure. Each vehicle has different manufacturer specifications for how the lug nuts should be torqued. Problems that can occur:

·      Under and overtorquing-The studs your wheel is secured to are actually designed to have a specific amount of “stretch”. The proper torque stretches the stud JUST enough for it to securely lock with the bolts. An under-torqued lug nut will not lock correctly and an over-torqued lug nut will over stretch the stud, both cause stress.
·      Broken studs- The extra movement caused by a loose nut can stress the stud and cause it to fail. The overly tightened lugnuts can over stretcha nd stress the lugnut, causing failure as well. Replacement will be needed immediately and this can also cause the wheel to fall off while traveling.
·      Expensive Brake Problems- The biggest issue with over torquing is warped brake rotors. This is often caused by mechanics who tighten lugs improperly using a pneumatic gun.  This can cause uneven tightening accross the hub surface of the rotor. Because one or more wheel nuts is not as tight as the other the rotor pressure is unbalance when you apply the brakes. Once a rotor warps it can be difficult and costly to undo.
·      Stressed bolts- Without proper torquing to stretch the wheel stud, you are putting extra stress on the bolt and the hole the stud passed through. This is seen while driving, as it stresses the wheel assembly. This can also lead to a wheel falling off.
·      Extra stress on steering system- Under torquing can cause the wheel/tire to slightly “wobble” while driving and can cause the car to pull to one side while driving. All in all, this puts extra stress on the steering system.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

To Maintain My Warranty I can Only Have My Car Serviced at a Dealership

Service at a dealer is not mandatory to keep your warranties in effect. Maintenance may be done by any qualified service facility or person who is skilled in automotive service. Keep all receipts as proof of completion, and have the service provider fill out the Maintenance Record.
The Maintenance Schedule in your vehicle owner’s manual specifies how often you should have your car serviced and what areas need attention. It is essential that you have your car serviced as scheduled to retain its high level of dependability and safety, to protect the environment, and to enhance and maintain your vehicle’s value.  The Certified Service Technicians at Metric Wrench are qualified to meet your service requirements. Build a long-term relationship with your Certified Service Technicians at Metric Wrench.