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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stress Management Works for Holidays and Automobiles

Holidays bring their own kind of stress to most of us, so don’t let you car add to that stress. Failing to plan for maintenance for your vehicle can turn small problems into bigger ones, putting a serious dent in your automotive budget. The price of procrastinating on vehicle maintenance can range from a heater that runs cold to a battery that won't start your car.

Take care of your car's seasonal services immediately and make plans to get ahead of the game next year. An early visit to Metric Wrench Billings provides the opportunity to budget for unanticipated repairs.

Here is a few things you may want to have checked:

If your engine isn’t properly maintained it maybe difficult to start in cold weather, if even at all. It may run rough and lose power. Have fuel, ignition and emission control systems checked, necessary components replaced and adjustments made.

How old is your battery? If it's three or more years old, it should be tested and replaced if necessary.  Have your battery terminals cleaned and tightened, because loose or corroded connections can cause symptoms of a weak or dead battery.

Replace old wiper blades and be sure your washers are working. Carry spare washer solvent in your vehicle.

A vehicle's antifreeze should be changed annually, or as recommended in the owner's manual. Have the system pressure tested for leaks and check hoses and drive belt(s) for tension and condition.

Inspect, balance, check inflation and rotate tires. Check inflation on the spare and make sure the jack is in its place.

Check all lights and replace burned out bulbs

Have the vehicle put on a lift for an inspection of the exhaust system. Leaking exhaust fumes can be deadly.

If you have questions or concerns about your vehicle, please call Metric Wrench Billings today and talk to a Certified Service Technician.