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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Stress Management For Your Vehicle

Did you know that if you fail to plan for maintenance it can turn small problems into larger ones, increasing your stress level as you try to figure out how to pay for your unexpected vehicle maintenance. The regrets of procrastinating on vehicle maintenance can range from a heater that runs cold to a battery that won't start the car.

We all have seasonal services that we need to take care of for our vehicles and now is the time to get started if you haven’t already. By being proactive you’re your vehicle maintenance, allows you the luxury of budgeting for unanticipated repairs.

Maintenance checklist:

Engine performance

There’s nothing worse than that first cold spell and your car doesn’t start! Be sure to have fuel, ignition and emission control systems checked, necessary components replaced and adjustments made.

Battery and electrical system

When did you purchase your battery? Is it time for a new one? You can have it tested and replaced if necessary. Be sure to clean and tighten battery terminals, as loose or corroded connections can cause symptoms of a weak or dead battery.

Oil and filter

Change both as recommended in the owner's manual, generally at 5,000 mile intervals for severe conditions and cold weather operation, especially when most driving is stop-and-go traffic. Check the owner's manual for more information on severe service.


Replace old wiper blades and be sure your washers are working. Carry spare washer fluid in your vehicle.

Got a car problem? For more information about Audi, Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes repair in Billings, Montana, please contact the professionals at Metric Wrench today!